A drawing of a man wearing a hat with red eyes.

I've Been Hacked

Certified Network & Cyber Security Engineers

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I've Been Hacked | Cyber Security Specialists Gold Coast | 24/7

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With this activity kit, parents, teachers and other guardians have some concrete tools to help teach their children about online safety and security in a fun and engaging way. By offering these tools at no-cost, we hope to open the dialogue between children and their parents or teachers about the real threats that exist online today.

This activity kit consists of a workbook with puzzles and games, a poster and a video module featuring KnowBe4’s security awareness hero Captain Awareness. The workbook also includes a cyber hero pledge consisting of useful tips to help you keep children stay safe online, along with a family agreement that you can review with your children to set guidelines for using online devices.

Watch the video and download the following materials to help you and your family or students stay safe online!

Captain Awareness Video

Activity Workbook 1

Click To Download

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